Here are the Before pictures of the kids bathroom. I HATED this bathroom. I didn't even want the kids using it because I thought it was so dark and disgusting! It was just a sad room. It had new nice flooring, so at least I didn't have to do anything with that. I absolutely despise these kind of showers with the sliding doors. They just get so gross. I dug out all the old caulk and recaulked the whole shower, so it does feel a lot cleaner when taking a shower in there.
The vanity is nice and I couldn't replace it (major low budget to work with), but a pink counter top? I have 2 girls and 2 boys! That had to be dealt with!
Ugly mirror, but decent light fixture. At least it's not gold!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this bathroom now!! I let the 4 year old pick the wall color and he wanted Yellow! It makes the room so bright and warm now. I went and got the kids each a new towel in bright colors and they look great. I put up a simple white shower curtain to hide the ugly glass sliding doors. It completely changes the room just by doing that!
I added this Vinyl to the wall after I took the original pictures, but I didn't want to retake all the pictures. And I got this cute bath rug from IKEA! Love them!
Here is my new painted countertop! Yes, PAINTED!! I didn't know that you could paint over linoleum, or vinyl or whatever it is that the counter was made of. I found a tutorial about doing it was SOLD on doing it! I think it turned out great! It was super easy, but since it was my first time doing it, it does not look professional! But it's the kids bathroom so I'm not gonna lose sleep over it. And it can always be painted over if we want to change color or if someone spills nail polish remover all over it! FYI-DON'T DO THAT!! It will take off the paint. Not that I would know from experience! But otherwise, it's very durable and washes up easy.
This is the product I used. I got mine from Home Depot. It's under $20. You basically scuff up your countertop and roll it on. You have to use pretty straight rolls and make sure your paint is even and do it quickly. But you can do multiple layers if needed. I think I did 3 layers to make sure it was all even looking. It SMELLS REALLY STRONG, so have good ventilation, which I did NOT have in that small bathroom, so I had to keep taking breaks and walk out of the room. And then I would shut the door, leave the fan on and not have anyone use the room for a few days to let it completely cure! That's the key, it has to fully cure or you will get dings in it.
The one and only downside is that it can only be tinted in these 16 colors. I tried to have them tint some black for me, but they said they couldn't do it. Bummer, but that was for a different room, so more on that later. I picked the Coastal Blue for the bathroom and figured it would hide the most toothpaste and dirt from the kids than a lighter color. I loved how the color turned out. I would absolutely recommend this paint. I was so happy with it.
* I am still thinking of painting the vanity white, but can't decide? And I still need to do something with the mirror. I want to frame it somehow, but not sure yet. So stay tuned for updates!*